Phone number: 02/323 535 35
E-mail for PR and press inquiries:
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
You can also choose to pay with PayPal. When selecting this option at checkout, you will be redirected to the PayPal site to 'Log In' and review the amount shown before clicking 'Pay Now'. Once this transaction is complete, you will then return to
All transactions on this website are processed using BrainTreePayments, which belongs to the PayPal group of companies, a secure online payment gateway that encrypts your card details in a secure host environment.
When you pay online with us, you can be confident you are in a secure environment. All our card transactions are handled through Braintree, which is a validated Level 1 PCI DSS Compliant Service Provider. Braintree is on Visa's Global Compliant Provider List and MasterCard's SDP List.
Cardholder data is stored by Braintree using one of the most advanced encryption methods available. Braintree uses multiple encryption keys, which are stored on different physical servers. A data thief would not be able to make use of information stolen from a database without also having the key. The data store where cardholder data is kept cannot be connected to via the internet.
All communication between Braintree and us is conducted in a secure fashion using SSL.
If You Suspect Fraud
Given our high levels of security, it's very unlikely fraudulent use of your card will take place on our website. But if a fraudulent transaction does take place, first contact your credit or debit card company so they can protect your card and reimburse you. Then let us know at and we will work with your card company to minimise any further inconvenience to you.